Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Marketing Mania

Since we're in a lull between Labor Day and mid-October when the leaves change and snowbird traffic starts, the focus now is on marketing. KOA has some great tools for park owners. We downloaded a flyer template and Drew and I went around Sweetwater and surrounding towns posting flyers. The owners hadn't yet taken advantage of the camper database that KOA has for each campground, so with a little assistance from KOA corporate, I was able to help the owners download a spreadsheet. We took that information on Sweetwater KOA's previous guests and sent out an email broadcast announcing Fall specials to those whose email address we had. It's a quick and cost-effective way to advertise! Since there were lots of guests that we had no email address for, going forward, those of us who work the desk are going to focus on capturing email information on everyone, not just those who want an email confirmation of their reservation. It will be interesting over the next six weeks that we're here to see how effective our marketing efforts turn out to be!

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